Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Too Much To Do....Too Little Time

The feeling of being overwhelmed. A "To Do" list a mile long and not enough time to do it in. The primary cause of stress in everyone's life.

Knowing one is not able to meet all their responsibilities leaves people feeling stressed, guilty, incompetent, incomplete, unsatisfied, frustrated, depressed, etc., etc.

Of course, in the corporate world, budget cuts, downsizing, and layoffs adds more work. Leaving those left behind facing the proverbial: more work, less people.

For the entreprenuer flying solo, the feeling of "How can I get this all done myself!"

How does one deal with this situation? Time management, delegation and eliminating non value added work.

  • Learn how to set priorities
  • Alot a specific amount of time for that activity
  • Concentrate on one task at a time
  • Identify the tasks that make you the most money; focus on only those tasks
  • Delegate or eliminate the rest

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© Copyright 2008 Jacqueline A Birnbaum

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, WEB SITE OR BLOG? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:Jackie Birnbaum is the author of “7 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make”. Get secrets and FR’EE resources designed to help you leave behind the stress of corporate downsizing and increase job security. To get your FR’EE copy of the above report, go to

Personal blog:
http://jackiebirnbaum.blogspot.com/Business blog: http://nomorecorporatejob.wordpress.com/

Sunday, December 28, 2008

You Were Not Born With Issues and Problems

The "normal" or "emotionally healthy" family. Does this even exist? I'm sure it does but in a limited, very minimal capacity. The majority of people in this world have been raised with a steady stream of destructive criticism.

While the intent was to be helpful; toughen us up for the real world. It has led people to believe that they don't really deserve to be successful or even happy. It has also instilled in us that success comes at a price: long, hard work; working hours upon hours; then feeling guilty when we finally achieve our goals.

These feelings of guilt and the belief of "I don't deserve this" can lead to self sabotaging behaviors. Where we undermine the very results we so desire. What will people think if I achieve and have everything I want? Will they still like me? Will they think I'm better than them? Who am I to want and have such things?

Keep doing what you are doing and you will get the same result. To change any results in your life, you have to change your attitude and thought processess toward it. We'll use money as an example.

Money gravitates toward people who respect it, value it and are capable of doing worthwhile things with it. It flows through the fingers and flees from people who do not understand it, or who do not take proper care of it.

To bring money into your life:

  • Believe that you have an unlimited capacity to accumulate all the money that you will ever need
  • See yourself as a financial success just waiting for a place to happen
  • See yourself as deserving all you can honestly acquire
Realize that:

  • Money gives you choices and enables you to live your life the way you want to live it
  • Money opens doors for you that would have been closed in its absence
  • Money is merely a tool that is to be used to acquire happiness, it is not happiness in itself
  • The Bible says, "The love of money is the root of all evil."
  • It doesn't say, "money is the root of all evil."
  • It is the preoccupation with money, to the exclusion of the really important things in life that is the problem, not the money itself
  • Money is a tool that allows us to purchase goods/services essential to our lives in society
  • Money is neither good nor bad
  • It is only the way that it is acquired and the uses to which it is put that determines whether it is helpful or hurtful

  • Some of the wealthiest people in the world have gone bankrupt before achieving their fortune
  • Not only do wealthy people accumulate money, they also share that money by giving to charities
  • Great success comes from great failures

Post your comments below:


© Copyright 2008 Jacqueline A Birnbaum

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, WEB SITE OR BLOG? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:Jackie Birnbaum is the author of “7 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make”. Get secrets and FR’EE resources designed to help you leave behind the stress of corporate downsizing and increase job security. To get your FR’EE copy of the above report, go to

Personal blog:
http://jackiebirnbaum.blogspot.com/Business blog: http://nomorecorporatejob.wordpress.com/

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Every Thought or Emotion has a Physical Reaction

Our thoughts are very powerful. What we believe, what we communicate internally to ourselves, what we communicate exernally to others, impacts our daily lives.

When I first started my business many moons ago, I struggled with this. I had to shed a lot of old, previous programming from my family, from college classes and especially the corporate world.

It defintely took me a while to realize just how limiting some of my thoughts were. Limiting my success, my earning power, my ability to authentically help others, etc.

I believe in the power of affirmations. Below are examples of affirmations I have used to replace that old programming:
  • I truly deserve massive success
  • My success allows me to help the masses
  • My success and service to others creates a loyal following of customers
  • I am of great, powerful service to those customers
  • My service and success brings large amounts of money into my life
  • Large amounts of money allow me to graciously help others in return
  • Money comes easily and frequently to me
  • I am a money and client attraction magnet
  • I honor myself to pursue success in my business to bring greatness to the world
  • I honor the world to do the same
Some may find this strange or never consider saying these things to yourself out loud or quietly in your head.

Truthfully, I had issues; ceilings that were preventing me from having the life I desired and deserved. My head and my heart constantly fought each other. These new thoughts empowered me; gave me the courage to break thru the barriers.

Feel free to use these to empower yourself. Enjoy!

Post your comments below:


© Copyright 2009 Jacqueline A Birnbaum

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE, WEB SITE OR BLOG? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it:Jackie Birnbaum is the author of “7 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make”. Get secrets and FR’EE resources designed to help you leave behind the stress of corporate downsizing and increase job security. To get your FR’EE copy of the above report, go to

Personal blog:
Business blog: http://nomorecorporatejob.wordpress.com/

Friday, December 26, 2008

My Recession Response

'Twas the day after Christmas
And all thru the house
Not a creature was stirring
Not even a mouse
I went shopping!

I hate listening to the news. That's why I stopped watching the local and national news a very long time ago. What I need to know somehow always finds me. I occassionally scan the headlines on the internet. That's enough for me to get the jist of what is going on.

While I understand that there is much uncertainty in our global economy, how could anyone think that the things that are happening wouldn't? How crazy is it to think that the housing market would not falter? That foreclosure rates on home loans would not be at an all time high? Doesn't anyone listen to Susie Orman? Her principles are quite simple to follow:
  1. Don't spend more than you make
  2. Don't borrow more than you can pay back
  3. Borrow money to people to have the capability to pay it

And the auto industry! Ugh! I remember in the 70's how they struggled. High gas prices, foreign competition. In the 80's, jobs going to Mexico. In the 90's, jobs going to China. And now India.

Couldn't they see the writing on the wall 30 years ago? The Big Three needed to re-organize themselves? Become more cost effective? Build fuel efficient vehicles?

Our current economic situation exists, because of decisions made that put us where we are at. So, how do we get out?

Despite all the doom and gloom of our economy, one thing is true: We need to continue supporting business by honoring their services and products! If we all stop or cut back on our spending, we will make the current economic situation worse!

That is why I went shopping the day after Christmas. Many stores opened early 5:30 and 6am. I was quite suprised that when I arrived at the local mall at 7am there were very few people there.

I enjoyed shopping without the long lines of day after Christmas sales past. Folks, wake up! We have to contribute to our economy, to keep things going!

In case you are wondering what I purchased: Two pair of winter boots and one pair of dress shoes!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Breakfast with Santa

My husband and I took the grandkids to a local restaurant. We had breakfast with Santa!

Micayel loved it! Of course, she ran to the front of the line not wanting to wait her turn. Kyle cried when he saw Santa. Haylee was mad she did not get a flute! They are 3, 2 and 1. It's amazing what goes thru their minds! It is these small moments of life, that make life worth while and meaningful. Happy holidays!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

In Loving Memory of my Nephew

Randall J Kaczynski
The Gift of Life: December 21, 1979
Eternal Rest: November 11, 2008

Today our family celebrates Christmas on your birthday....sadly without you. The memories will always be in our hearts and minds even though we miss your physical presence dearly.

I think it was good for the family to be together today. Especially, to be with your three children. To see them laugh/play and give them the support they needed that also will help everyone heal.

It is very frustrating, that as the family, we are unable to know the details of how events unfolded that evening. Especially, while the local media has the ability to find out everything they can. And places their negative twist on a very tradgic situation.

At this moment, it seems so unfair that someone only 11 years younger than me has died. It goes against what humans consider the norm of life.

In time, the truth of your death will come out. The truth of who you were will be known. People will understand that our family lost someone who was caring, kind, loving, talented and very intelligent. I truly believe that the Police will apologize to our family.

We may never completely understand; only that God said, come with me, take my hand....
for you, I have a greater plan.

With all my love, Aunt Jackie